Do you remember the last time that you really fancied someone? I mean really cared about someone. How every day they would occupy your thoughts and all you could think about is whether they would ever feel the same way about you?
Most of us rarely tell anyone how we truly feel. We’re too scared to put ourselves on the line because the potential embarrassment of being turned down is too much for our fragile ego to take.
So we keep quiet and watch with resignation as we miss our chance and they end up dating someone else. This person never knew how you felt.
But do you want to know something? Someone feels the same way about you right now. Maybe a friend, maybe a colleague, maybe that cute girl who smiles at you as you pass her in the street or that shy guy who suddenly goes quiet in your presence – and do you know why?
It’s because you’re amazing, and they know it!
You know that feeling of excitement and nervous energy as the clock counts down towards a hot date? The butterflies that swarm around in your stomach and the racing heart as you pace around with anticipation – We’ve all experienced this. It’s an awesome feeling.
Or how about a good friend who is due to pop over for a long awaited catch-up? You’re feeling excited but also a little apprehensive because you desperately want it to be like old times and are slightly worried about how the two of you will get along.
But do you want to know something? It’s not just you. The person you are due to meet up with is also feeling the same way – and do you know why?
It’s because you’re amazing, and they know it!
We’ve all been there. Your once loyal friends begin to treat you a little differently. At first you think it is just a figment of your imagination but as time passes you become fairly sure that something isn’t quite right.
You just can’t put your finger on it.
Then it hits you like a sledgehammer. They are beginning to resent you because you dare to dream.
Your hopes, desires, wants and ambitions are being met with disdain and negativity. They are informing you that your ideas are stupid and that you should be more realistic. Smugly telling you that you’d be better off sticking to what you know and that success is for ‘them’ and not ‘people like us’.
But do you want to know something? They are afraid. Your growth is upsetting their little eco-system and they can’t handle the thought that you may one day leave their cosy little nest and spread your wings. They do want you do succeed but because it makes them feel insecure, they are afraid to admit it – and do you know why?
It’s because you’re amazing, and they know it!
They think nothing of waking you up at crazy-o-clock, jumping on your bed and demanding that you feed them. Unrelenting little terrors, who don’t give a damn about your beauty sleep, let alone your sanity.
You feed them, you dress them, you send them off to school and all you want is a few hours of peace and quiet because, you deserve it right? I mean – you do so much for your kids but what do you get in return? They don’t thank you, well maybe at Christmases and birthdays, but twice a year is not enough for the amount of hours you spend each day trying to give them the security, happiness and love that they need.
But do you want to know something? Regardless of how much they scream, cry, moan and throw toys at your head – they do appreciate what you do for them. They don’t see how hard it is for you yet because their brains aren’t fully developed and they don’t understand empathy, but they do love you and do you know why?
It’s because you’re amazing, and they know it!
Stand up and walk over to the nearest mirror. Do you see that amazing person staring back in the reflection?
That’s you!
If you want to let someone know how amazing they really are then please share this via your social media. The chances are they will read it and immediately think of you.
Let me tell you first, Jamie, you are amazing. I’ve been reading a lot of your posts, the ones on cracked included, and I feel like you deserve more attention.
I got my first post accepted on Pick The Brain yesterday, and in it I linked to one of your articles that was related. Hopefully that sends some traffic your way.
Haha. But it’s definitely something we all need to do more.
I think a lot of what troubles the people of the “y generation” is that never saying anything that is like passionate and honest is accepted as the norm.
If you complimented people earnestly all the time, you’d probably have been labeled as a weirdo in school or wherever. But as we grow older, it’s important to relish the friends we have left, and the new friends we meet.
Ragnar recently posted..The Simple Yet Powerful Follow-Up, And My First Guest Post
Ahhh that’s why.. It was you all along!
I was getting a lot of traffic from Pick The Brain today and I couldn’t work out why. Thanks for that – You’ve given me about 10 subscribers today as it is. Also thanks for the compliment! I just read your post and I’m about to comment on it too. You’re awesome!
Excellent post! We worry so much about being arrogant, but the real challenge is that we do not see ourselves as we truly are. I struggled for decades (well, 2 decades) with beating up on myself, and a good friend helped me to find my way out of it, and to make some radical changes to my life. It then occurred to me that I likely HAVE been that kind of influence in other people’s lives. We all really do matter!
Bethany @ Journey to Ithaca recently posted..Why Bother?
Hi Bethany! Thanks for your comment. It’s true, we do impact other peoples lives far more than we realise. An off the cuff comment that may seem harmless to us can affect someone greatly, but also, a small act of kindness goes a long way too. We’re all connected and people rely on us as much as we rely on them!
I love all the angles from which you came at this one, Jamie!
When we begin to change, it does upset the apple cart a bit, but hopefully people can adjust. Sometimes they don’t, and that is their choice too. I have learned to embrace change instead of fighting against it. What an unnecessary struggle when you think about it. As long as someone is not hurting anyone, why not just support them in their awesomeness!?
Happy Sunday!
Tammy R recently posted..In Defense of Lord Henry Wotton and Fun
Hey Tammy. I’ve always believed that as long as someone is doing something they want and it isn’t illegal then who are we to say otherwise? To me that is another part of acceptance. Not resisting anything, instead embracing both the good and the bad and then learning to cope with it. Thanks for your thoughts!
Very inspirational. When you make positive change there can certainly be times when others around you simply do not understand. Breaking out of the herd is never easy.
Your words certainly resonate and are important for anyone trying to make positive changes in their lives.
SJ Scott recently posted..Zeigarnik Effect: Can Crappy Music Prevent a Habit Change?
Exactly SJ, people will always try to put you down but we just have to try and take along for the ride anyway. If not, we have to cut them out. it’s a tough one. Thanks for your comment!
Hi Jamie,
I loved this post! It is a wonderful testament to us all. Indeed, we are amazing and others know it. Just like others are amazing, too! We need to celebrate the amazing beings that we are and the endless abilities that each one of us has.
Thank you.
Hiten recently posted..The Fear of Public Speaking – How to Overcome It
Hi Hiten, thanks so much! If every one of us just believed in ourselves a little more think of all the amazing things we could achieve too! But, we’re all amazing anyway!
This is the “secret” to confidence. If people just realized that they’re incredible, depression would be a thing of the past.
When I got into game, this is something that I slowly started to realize – I was amazing and so is everybody else. We’re incredible in our own right.
Glad you mentioned the part about friends rejecting what you do. Literally had this discussion with another blogger less than a week ago. As you get further into this and improve yourself, you tend to evolve away from a lot of friends. Naturally, plenty of people won’t like that you’re doing something different – but you’re just too damn amazing to stop.
Another rock solid post man.
Kevin Cole recently posted..My Secret Life In “The Game” & A Vow Of Honesty
I’m not sure depression would be a thing of the past, a lot of it is chemical and not a part of your mentality but I agree that a positive attitude goes a long way!
Game is great at how it does that. You find out so much about yourself and you become involved in situations that you never thought possible. Your self worth increases exponentially and it’s an awesome feeling! Thanks for your comment and kind words!
Wow it’s hard! I mean I realize that my day is governed by things I do to try and earn other people’s approval. If only I could be truly sure about how amazing I really am could stop and relax. And the irony of it that I am “seen” as an intelligent, sensitive, creative man and am pinning successes in my personal and professional life…any advice other than going over to the mirror?
Aaron R. recently posted..3 Top Messaging Myths Debunked
Very interesting post. We would definitely transform ourselves and our lives if we truly believed that we are amazing and so is everybody else.
There is so much to appreciate about all of us and this is what we should try and focus more of our attention on instead of the negative aspects which most of us tend to focus on.
This is me at the moment I have a huge crush on somebody and they don’t know.
I have courage for many things, I travelled the world on my own (Europe, England, Scandinavia, Egypt, Israel, scuba diving in the Maldives, Bali, Thailand, Hawaii, New Zealand). I wish I had a chance to tell this guy is a amazing to me. He lives in Byron Bay NSW in Australia and I live in Melbourne Australia
Hey Sandra, if you really like someone, tell them! It’s not like you have anything to lose as it seems as though he isn’t currently a daily part of your life, so why not jump outside that comfort zone one more time?
I am thinking about it. I have tried to track him down but don’t know his phone number or address. I only met him once, he asked for a hug so I gave him a hug.
He is my nephews best mate. I could not find him on Facebook or any websites. So stuck for ideas.
Maybe your nephew is the key
Ask him for his name or number and go from there. You have a link to him so there are no excuses really!
I know his name Jordan Lilly. I am sure I could think of excuses, I am a huge chicken little. Lol
Broken hearted, no job and a health scare. Approaching my 30th birthday I told my Dad today I have nothing to celebrate and felt really sad. After reading this, I realize I have-myself. Thank you for your blogs Jaime, you helped me and didn’t even know it. Keep writing, Love, L.
Thanks Lana! It means a lot.