Are you allowing fear to challenge your decision making? Life is an assault course with obstacles at every turn. Some of these are real, whilst many are simply imaginary – that is, we place far too much importance and mental effort in worrying about situations that are quite often nothing […]
The 4 Biggest Lies We Tell Ourselves Every Day
The human ego is a very powerful little tool. It likes to jump in front of us, like some kind of invisible shield to protect our frail minds from the big bad world. One of the methods our ego likes to use is to convince us that there are legitimately […]
Everything That Happens To Me Is Great
Several years ago I came out the arse end of a ‘relationship’ and for the first real time in my life, I felt genuinely lost. It wasn’t that I was with this girl for a long time as it barely lasted a few months. The thing is that I had […]
If it’s not difficult, then you’re doing it wrong!
How many of you complain and moan when something doesn’t go your way? How about when you take up a new hobby or try something that you have never done before? Do you hate learning new skills? Yes, juggling chainsaws is pretty darn difficult so stop doing that. It’s not […]
Why Do We Always Settle For Second Best?
This is a shorter article today but it’s about something that I feel strongly about. Basically the idea that many people, most in fact, are going through life just accepting whatever comes their way. It’s just a case of picking low hanging fruit. Taking the easy option, remaining in your […]
6 Ways To Instantly Make Yourself A Better Person
Everyone thinks they are a good person, and why wouldn’t they? Most people don’t run around with axes or intentionally set out to hurt others and sadly this seems to be the barometer that we seem to judge ourselves on. ‘Well I haven’t chopped anyone up lately so therefore I […]
What is framing? 3 Ways to live life by your own standards
You may or may not have heard of the term ‘framing’ before. It’s not particularly that well known or talked about but it does come under many different guises so you should have read about something similar before. It’s basically the idea that you set a frame (or standard) that […]
Messi Vs Ronaldo (How to turn a rival into a friend)
(Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images) There have been many great comparisons over the years. Pele Vs Maradona, The Beatles vs The Rolling Stones, Federer vs Nadal, Bourbons vs Hobnobs. Yet in today’s world few match ups compare with the two dominant forces in world football right now, Lionel Messi and […]
5 Life lessons you wish you had found out sooner
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, or so they say anyway. In reality it makes us look back to our flawed younger self and all the dumb stuff we used to do. Life is an on-going process, a movie that just keeps moving forwards without giving us the opportunity to pause, […]
Stop Procrastination Now – 7 Awesome Ways To Cure The Lazy Disease
Procrastination is a pain in the ass. You would think that by sitting back and doing absolutely nothing that we would be content and happy. Why else would we continue to put things off? Choosing to do something tomorrow instead of today may seem like a good idea at the […]
Is Ignorance Bliss? 5 Reasons Why Stupid People Are Secret Geniuses
I’m going to let you in on a little secret now okay. Ignorance is bliss. It always has been and it always will be. How can this be I hear you cry, well let me ask you something. Are you stupid? Be honest now. I won’t tell anyone, promise. If […]
How to reduce stress in 10 easy steps
Do you ever feel the need to scream out at the top of your lungs? Unless you are auditioning for the next Tarzan movie (seriously do they make them anymore?) you probably feel stressed! Learning how to slow down our lives and to reduce these negative feelings and emotions will […]
5 Reasons Why Time Is More Important Than Money
If you work ridiculous hours and have no time to actually have a life then you are doing it all wrong! Time is more important than money! There I’ve said it. The whole idea is that you work to live and not live to work but somewhere down the line a lot […]
5 simple tips to improve your life instantly
This is a guest post by M.Farouk Radwan. Contrary to popular belief you don’t have to make drastic changes to your life in order to improve it, because there are some simple actions that can help you live a better life. We all have big goals and dreams and if we […]