I’ve been quiet recently. Not in person, mind – I still make all kinds of strange noises when in the presence of another life form, but internetically speaking (that should definitely be a word) – I’ve been absent. Two steps forward, three steps back. During this absence, I’ve been thinking […]
Looking After Number One – 4 Reasons Why You Need To Be More Selfish
As a kid I remember feeling incredibly impatient at a friend’s birthday party. There were many of us sat around a large table and I was almost raging at the lack of chocolate fingers. Well, to be brutally honest, I had eaten most of them, but that wasn’t the point. […]
18 Things I Want To Tell My 18 Year Old Self (a conversation)
We’ve all fantasised about going back in time – perhaps to a life changing event or to re-enact a wonderful memory from our past. Reliving the first holiday without our parents, reminiscing about our first kiss or those hot, childhood summers that seemed to last forever. Our brain does a […]
7 Stupid Life Rules You Should Stop Paying Attention To
I hate conformity. I’ll be honest with you here. People think I’m a little weird. Not weird enough to alert the cops, but the kind of weird that might leave someone scratching their head in bemusement when you say something that flies in the face of conventional ‘wisdom’. I get […]
3 Insane Reasons Why You Will Never Be Happy
Happiness is fleeting. It teases us with its presence, like a Victorian woman pulling up her bustle to reveal the sexy ankle of shame. It arrives with fanfare and promise and before we can truly appreciate what we are experiencing, it vanishes. Sometimes never to be seen again. We need […]
You’re Already Dead! – The Ultimate Guide To Kicking Death’s Ass
Death is the ultimate taboo subject – something that all of us think about but we rarely bring it up in conversation because of the fear being labelled a weirdo. Whilst there are many articles and blog posts out there that discuss how people deal with grief and the loss […]
4 Terrifying Life Lessons We Only Learn As We Age (and how to accept them)
Here is a little secret. I have no idea what I am doing half of the time. I plan things out like a regular sane person and I have a vague idea of the future but quite often things don’t always go the way I want them too. Like the […]
Everything That Happens To Me Is Great
Several years ago I came out the arse end of a ‘relationship’ and for the first real time in my life, I felt genuinely lost. It wasn’t that I was with this girl for a long time as it barely lasted a few months. The thing is that I had […]
How To Get Over A Relationship – The No B.S Guide
Relationships are intriguing little things. On the surface they seem awesome and we spend a lot of time trying to enter one but 99% of them will end, usually involving some form of mutual resentment and if you’re particularly unlucky, a large loss of cash. Dr Gregory House did once […]
15 reasons why today will be the best day of your life
We spend so much of our lives thinking about the past and the future that we can forget to actually live in the present. The thing is they don’t exist. They are merely false projections of the present. The past is just a collection of days that happened in the […]
5 Ways In Which Modern Life Is Screwing With Your Mind
Once upon a time we lived in caves and our only form of evening entertainment was seeing how fast we could run away from a Sabre toothed tiger. It was a fun game, if a little dangerous. Even 30 years ago we would bring out that game of Monopoly and gather round […]
4 Awful life situations you really need to see the funny side of
How many times have you been told that life is hard? It’s not really, it’s just wildly unpredictable and the people that tell you this are those who always look on the negative side. I mean, we all try to do our best with what we have and sometimes we […]
Are You An Introvert Or Just A Highly Sensitive Person?
I am often overwhelmed, but you wouldn’t know it. When the world is bombarding me with stimuli my brain responds with a ‘nope I’m not dealing with this’ and inside at least, I will shut down and do my utmost to ignore everything around me. At least I make an […]
32 things I’ve learnt in my 32 years on this planet.
I have recently turned the horrifically ancient age of 32 and while I am embracing the idea of buying some slippers and resting my creaking bones by the log fire to do today’s crossword, I thought I would offer some insight into what I have learnt in my time on […]
The Fallen Man
Shortly before Christmas I witnessed something that has had a pretty huge effect on me. I will be totally honest, at the time I didn’t give it much thought. On the surface it was a brief incident, all over in 30 seconds and quite easy to forget. And yet now, […]