I don’t know about any of you lot but I’m continually doing things which are either unhealthy or a total waste of time. Worrying about factors that are totally out of my control or stuffing my face with Doughnuts when I should be on a low carb diet. It’s normal, […]
5 Life lessons you wish you had found out sooner
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, or so they say anyway. In reality it makes us look back to our flawed younger self and all the dumb stuff we used to do. Life is an on-going process, a movie that just keeps moving forwards without giving us the opportunity to pause, […]
How To Shut Down That (negative) Inner Voice
Do you know how to shut down your negative self? That inner voice that tries to belittle and crush your dreams? Whenever we try and do something that challenges us or is outside of our normal comfort zone, it can get a little scary. Initially when we first come up […]
How to find the courage you need
There are times when we have the opportunity to do something different. Something new and exciting that will dust the cobwebs from in front of our eyes and stimulate us. We know when this occasion arises because the butterflies start in our stomach and we wonder if the ability to […]