It’s not supposed to be like this. The whole point of quitting my job was to give myself the freedom and the time to do all the things I want – without the overburdening pressure and stress of the 9-5. Oh and the hatred too. Let’s not forget about that. […]
40 Amazing Personal Development Bloggers to Watch In 2015 (plus my number 1 blog of the year)
I know what you’re thinking. How did I get my hands on so many police mug shots huh? 😉 I’m only joking. Those 40 incredibly attractive individuals you see in the picture are my pick of the bloggers to rock my world over the last 12 months. Yes, it’s completely […]
Deus ex Machina – How to Create Something Out of Nothing by Playing God With Your Life
If you don’t know the difference between your Pawns and your Kings, and you think a Queen is someone who brings the life and soul to a party then you probably aren’t too familiar with chess. It’s ok because most of us haven’t a clue how to play it either […]
Are You Willing To Die?
The first few metres are erratic. The cold, angular edges of the building threaten to tear his hands to shreds, but there is no going back. Fearful of being interrupted by the authorities, he sprints upwards; aiming to finish his ascent as quickly as possible. This is by no means […]
What Really Turns You On?
I know how you feel. It’s not immediately obvious, but you can tell something isn’t quite right. Nothing serious enough to warrant more than a passing thought, but it’s there, lurking in the background, slowly sucking the joy from your very existence. Am I getting warm? Also, although they may […]
5 Popular Self-Help Tips That Are Full of Shit
You’re not very happy are you? Be honest. There is something nagging away. As your friends are chatting, cracking jokes and enjoying a glass of wine; you’re trying to join in with the fun but something is holding you back. An invisible rope, fastened around your torso, tightening the slack […]
6 Amazing Lessons Arnold Schwarzenegger Can Teach You About Success
Arnold Schwarzenegger polarises opinion. He’s a cigar smoking fitness fanatic with the most revered physique in bodybuilding history. He’s a fiercely loyal Republican who can count the Kennedy’s as in laws. He’s the farmer’s son from Austria who became an American – and to be honest you’re not sure what […]
How I Quit My Job, Built My Guitar Tuition Business From Scratch And Gained 25 Students In Under 18 Months
I’m no entrepreneur. It seems as though everyone brands themselves as one these days but I have no idea what being an entrepreneur actually means. The word conjures up an image of a smug guy in his early twenties, slick hairstyle, with an equally shocking suit to match. Either that […]
Are You Getting Better Or Are You Happy Being Average?
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.” – Rust Cohle After many years as the go-to leading man for dire romantic comedies and roles that required nothing more than standing around without a shirt – Matthew McConaughey’s transition into […]
18 Things I Want To Tell My 18 Year Old Self (a conversation)
We’ve all fantasised about going back in time – perhaps to a life changing event or to re-enact a wonderful memory from our past. Reliving the first holiday without our parents, reminiscing about our first kiss or those hot, childhood summers that seemed to last forever. Our brain does a […]
Have You Done Your 10,000 Touches Today?
There is a philosophy deeply ingrained in Dutch football. First adopted over 10 years ago and implemented by many top level professional teams, it is the idea that every youngster hoping to become an elite player should be touching the ball 10,000 times per day. Yes, that’s every day. Malcolm […]
Analysis Paralysis – Why I Need To Re-evaluate My Life (and why I need your help)
Edit: Since first writing this article, I have managed to deal with the feelings and scheduling conflicts detailed within. It was simply a change in focus and attitude that enabled me to overcome my issues. Successful people will always be busy – but I have learned that there will always […]
3 Insane Reasons Why You Will Never Be Happy
Happiness is fleeting. It teases us with its presence, like a Victorian woman pulling up her bustle to reveal the sexy ankle of shame. It arrives with fanfare and promise and before we can truly appreciate what we are experiencing, it vanishes. Sometimes never to be seen again. We need […]
6 Reasons Why Your Life Is Harder Than It Should Be (and what to do about it)
People love a good moan from time to time. It’s good to get some of that frustration off your chest and out into the open, in fact being a miserable bastard can actually extend your life but that’s a pointless endeavor if everyone wants to punch you in the face. […]
Stop Using Your Age as an Excuse!
I sat on the edge of my bed, gazing at the TV – in awe at how this little bald man could manipulate so many instruments to his every whim. The guitar he had strapped on was almost double his size yet his stature and confidence gave the illusion that […]