The most important, satisfying and infuriating task during my recent 30 day challenge was playing hide and seek with the news. I was the one hiding. ‘It’ was counting down – ready to find me at the earliest possible opportunity, and using any method at its disposal. Like the Terminator […]
5 Obvious Things I Learned From a 30 Day News Blackout (that completely surprised me)
39 Insanely Stupid Things You Should Probably Stop Doing
1. Putting your own opinion to a fact. Unless you’re 100% certain – it’s not a fact, and you’re probably making it worse. 2. Waiting for something better to come along before you quit the thing you hate. This goes out to all the people stuck in dead end jobs, […]
My Insane 30 Day Challenge (part 2) – No News or Internet, Plus Daily Workouts and a Ton of Writing
It’s March and that means many things. But for me, it’s time for another one of my insane and pointless 30 day challenges. 18 months ago I did one of these and I found it incredibly, erm, what’s the word? Oh yes… challenging. If you want to check it out, […]
5 Reasons Why Waking Up at 5am Will Improve Your Life (and how to actually do it)
It’s not supposed to be like this. The whole point of quitting my job was to give myself the freedom and the time to do all the things I want – without the overburdening pressure and stress of the 9-5. Oh and the hatred too. Let’s not forget about that. […]
40 Amazing Personal Development Bloggers to Watch In 2015 (plus my number 1 blog of the year)
I know what you’re thinking. How did I get my hands on so many police mug shots huh? 😉 I’m only joking. Those 40 incredibly attractive individuals you see in the picture are my pick of the bloggers to rock my world over the last 12 months. Yes, it’s completely […]
Are You Getting Better Or Are You Happy Being Average?
“Life’s barely long enough to get good at one thing. So be careful what you get good at.” – Rust Cohle After many years as the go-to leading man for dire romantic comedies and roles that required nothing more than standing around without a shirt – Matthew McConaughey’s transition into […]
Have You Done Your 10,000 Touches Today?
There is a philosophy deeply ingrained in Dutch football. First adopted over 10 years ago and implemented by many top level professional teams, it is the idea that every youngster hoping to become an elite player should be touching the ball 10,000 times per day. Yes, that’s every day. Malcolm […]
Analysis Paralysis – Why I Need To Re-evaluate My Life (and why I need your help)
Edit: Since first writing this article, I have managed to deal with the feelings and scheduling conflicts detailed within. It was simply a change in focus and attitude that enabled me to overcome my issues. Successful people will always be busy – but I have learned that there will always […]
How To Use Pareto’s 80/20 Principle To Streamline Your Life
What would you say if I told you that there was a simple, yet effective way of streamlining your productivity without affecting your results? You’d call me nuts – I get that, I am a little bit. Wait up – don’t shoot the messenger, I didn’t come up with the […]
My Insane 30 Day Challenge – The Results
I must apologise for taking my time with this article. I have been pretty busy and trying to take advantage of this good weather (who knows how long it will last). FINALLY my insane 30 day challenge is over, no more, finished, done with. To be honest I am pretty […]
My Insane 30 Day Challenge – Halftime Report
As I promised, here is the halfway update on my insane 30 day challenge. As expected some of these things were easier than others and I in no way believed that I would complete all of them but the whole point of this was to shock me into making some […]
My Insane 30 Day Challenge
On June 1st I will start a 30 day challenge that could possibly reduce me to a quivering wreck! I am going to be testing my willpower with TEN different challenges. Way back last summer I wrote how taking part in a 30 day challenge is a great way to […]
18 Tips To Motivate and Supercharge Your Productivity
Knowing how to increase motivation and putting that into practice are two entirely different beasts. Most of us have a goal in mind and we might even know what we should be doing, but why can’t we seem to make that final step into actual productivity? The awesome thing about […]