The more I read about personal development, the more I realise that everyone has it all back to front. The goal shouldn’t be to improve ourselves. It should be to screw up as often as possible because that’s infinitely more interesting. If we lived in a perfect world then life […]
Do one thing every day that scares you
Fear is one of the most frustrating emotions we can experience. Yes there is an evolutionary reason why we have it, but in today’s world, it can often just get in the way. It is the glass ceiling that prevents us from truly living and being the person we want […]
10 Inspiring Videos To Motivate And Kick Start Your Day
This selection of videos is simply for those occasions when you wake up in the morning and dread getting out of bed. We’ve all been there and sometimes all we need is a gentle reminder that while most people experience this, truly successful people never let these negative thoughts stop […]
Nobody Cares
You wake up in the morning, you look in the mirror, what do you see? Your reflection stares back, an outer shell that betrays what lies behind. You feel so good yet you look so bad. How can this be? You worry that you have aged 5 years overnight. This […]
The Fallen Man
Shortly before Christmas I witnessed something that has had a pretty huge effect on me. I will be totally honest, at the time I didn’t give it much thought. On the surface it was a brief incident, all over in 30 seconds and quite easy to forget. And yet now, […]
7 reasons why you don’t want to quit your job (and how to ignore them)
You’re probably reading this for one of two reasons. Either you have some kind of dissatisfaction with your job or I bribed you with a promise of chocolate biscuits and copious amounts of alcohol. Don’t worry I’m not stooping that low (unless it would work, let me know…). Anyway, if […]
Are you afraid of success? 4 Trigger signs to look out for
Scared of success? What on earth are you talking about Jamie, who would be afraid of that? I’ll admit this does seem very counter intuitive and you might need a bit of convincing here but I believe this is definitely an underrated problem, and it could be affecting you right […]
5 Life lessons you wish you had found out sooner
Hindsight is a wonderful thing, or so they say anyway. In reality it makes us look back to our flawed younger self and all the dumb stuff we used to do. Life is an on-going process, a movie that just keeps moving forwards without giving us the opportunity to pause, […]
Is the Mayan calendar right? Is December 21st the end of the world? Let’s find out.
The end of the world nigh, we’re all doomed. Unless you have been living under a rock and refuse to watch dodgy movies starring John Cusack you would know that the end of the world is imminent. Sorry Santa, all that hard work is for nothing. How many times have […]
Retail is evil – Why I gave up my job
It felt like I had just been hit by a train. Her comment had blindsided me to such an extent that I stood there, open mouthed, struggling to comprehend what I had just heard. Her eyes staring at me intently; her ignorance was astounding but yet I couldn’t respond. I […]
How to find the courage you need
There are times when we have the opportunity to do something different. Something new and exciting that will dust the cobwebs from in front of our eyes and stimulate us. We know when this occasion arises because the butterflies start in our stomach and we wonder if the ability to […]