We’re a species of doubters, cynics and self-deprecators – forever searching for that one elusive reason as to why something won’t work, why we shouldn’t do it or why we’re just plain useless. Animals don’t care. Neither do kids. The concept of embarrassment and failure is alien to these quirky […]
Deus ex Machina – How to Create Something Out of Nothing by Playing God With Your Life
If you don’t know the difference between your Pawns and your Kings, and you think a Queen is someone who brings the life and soul to a party then you probably aren’t too familiar with chess. It’s ok because most of us haven’t a clue how to play it either […]
5 Popular Self-Help Tips That Are Full of Shit
You’re not very happy are you? Be honest. There is something nagging away. As your friends are chatting, cracking jokes and enjoying a glass of wine; you’re trying to join in with the fun but something is holding you back. An invisible rope, fastened around your torso, tightening the slack […]
How I Quit My Job, Built My Guitar Tuition Business From Scratch And Gained 25 Students In Under 18 Months
I’m no entrepreneur. It seems as though everyone brands themselves as one these days but I have no idea what being an entrepreneur actually means. The word conjures up an image of a smug guy in his early twenties, slick hairstyle, with an equally shocking suit to match. Either that […]
Always Wear Your Game Face – 4 Reasons Why Preparation Is The Key To Success
I’ve always considered myself to be just average talent and what I have is a ridiculous, insane, obsessiveness for practice and preparation. My father used to say all the time, ‘Luck is when preparation meets opportunity.’ So if you stay ready, you ain’t gotta get ready. That is how I […]
If The Answers Aren’t Frightening Enough Then You Need To Start Asking Scarier Questions
Who on earth wants to be scared? If you aren’t raising your hand with the speed of a schoolboy who’s just wet his pants, then you darn well should be. Yes, this is another one of those ‘fear is nothing to be afraid of’ articles, but with a little twist. […]
You’re Already Dead! – The Ultimate Guide To Kicking Death’s Ass
Death is the ultimate taboo subject – something that all of us think about but we rarely bring it up in conversation because of the fear being labelled a weirdo. Whilst there are many articles and blog posts out there that discuss how people deal with grief and the loss […]
The Most Important Question You Will Ever Ask Yourself
“What am I actually doing to change my life?” Think about that for a second. I’ll wait… … Seriously, what are you currently doing to change your life situation? Are you one of these people who ‘talks the talk’ but when actually pressed for a bit of action, you retreat […]
3 Confidence Hacks To Kill Your Inner Shyness
What is confidence? How do we get it? Why have I lost it? Where are my trousers? These are all really important questions that we must deal with throughout our lives but sometimes it can be tricky coming up with a suitable answer. Confidence is fragile. It comes and goes […]
Stop Using Your Age as an Excuse!
I sat on the edge of my bed, gazing at the TV – in awe at how this little bald man could manipulate so many instruments to his every whim. The guitar he had strapped on was almost double his size yet his stature and confidence gave the illusion that […]
4 Terrifying Life Lessons We Only Learn As We Age (and how to accept them)
Here is a little secret. I have no idea what I am doing half of the time. I plan things out like a regular sane person and I have a vague idea of the future but quite often things don’t always go the way I want them too. Like the […]
6 Scary Life Situations That We Should All Learn To Love
Are you allowing fear to challenge your decision making? Life is an assault course with obstacles at every turn. Some of these are real, whilst many are simply imaginary – that is, we place far too much importance and mental effort in worrying about situations that are quite often nothing […]
Monkey See, Monkey Do – A Tale Of Mimicry
How many of you are familiar with the TV show ‘The Walking Dead’? Actually it doesn’t matter if you aren’t – any zombie show or movie will do. You may have noticed that the life (death) of a zombie is a pretty simple one. They merely shuffle forwards, not knowing […]
If it’s not difficult, then you’re doing it wrong!
How many of you complain and moan when something doesn’t go your way? How about when you take up a new hobby or try something that you have never done before? Do you hate learning new skills? Yes, juggling chainsaws is pretty darn difficult so stop doing that. It’s not […]