Are you too nice? 3 tips to give you back your edge

Being a nice person is like a superpower. On paper it seems like you have all the tools needed to make friends, gain a good reputation and become a popular well liked person. Sadly like all superpowers it contains a big weakness, and your kryptonite is the very thing you […]

What is framing? 3 Ways to live life by your own standards

You may or may not have heard of the term ‘framing’ before. It’s not particularly that well known or talked about but it does come under many different guises so you should have read about something similar before. It’s basically the idea that you set a frame (or standard) that […]

6 Everyday addictions that are destroying your body and mind

If I were to ask you about the word ‘addiction’ you would no doubt conjure up images of Alcoholic anonymous meetings, the clinically obese and even Russell Brand. For that last bit I can only apologise. We’re all addicts though, in some form or other. Maybe our addictions aren’t immediately […]

5 Harmful things you need to stop doing today

I don’t know about any of you lot but I’m continually doing things which are either unhealthy or a total waste of time. Worrying about factors that are totally out of my control or stuffing my face with Doughnuts when I should be on a low carb diet. It’s normal, […]

Messi Vs Ronaldo (How to turn a rival into a friend)

(Photo by David Ramos/Getty Images) There have been many great comparisons over the years. Pele Vs Maradona, The Beatles vs The Rolling Stones, Federer vs Nadal, Bourbons vs Hobnobs. Yet in today’s world few match ups compare with the two dominant forces in world football right now, Lionel Messi and […]

5 Life lessons you wish you had found out sooner

Hindsight is a wonderful thing, or so they say anyway. In reality it makes us look back to our flawed younger self and all the dumb stuff we used to do. Life is an on-going process, a movie that just keeps moving forwards without giving us the opportunity to pause, […]

Why There Is No Such Thing As Talent (the 10,000 hour rule)

Talent is a funny old word. Everyone thinks they know what it means but at the same time almost all of us use it as a lazy way of describing ones skill level. It’s easy to look at someone who is at the top of their profession and immediately attribute […]

5 Reasons Why Depression Can Be A Good Thing

“Hey cheer up, it can’t be that bad. Pull yourself together” Anyone who has experienced depression knows how words such as those can turn our blood into a boiling cauldron of rage . It’s no wonder many of us refuse to tell anyone how we’re feeling when we just KNOW […]

Is Ignorance Bliss? 5 Reasons Why Stupid People Are Secret Geniuses

I’m going to let you in on a little secret now okay. Ignorance is bliss. It always has been and it always will be. How can this be I hear you cry, well let me ask you something. Are you stupid? Be honest now. I won’t tell anyone, promise. If […]

Why You Deserve Everything You Get

I am going to discuss something now that may offend a lot of people, but equally may also flick a switch in many others. I’m proposing the idea that your position in life, everything that you have done and will do in the future is purely down to you. Your […]

5 simple tips to improve your life instantly

This is a guest post by M.Farouk Radwan. Contrary to popular belief you don’t have to make drastic changes to your life in order to improve it, because there are some simple actions that can help you live a better life. We all have big goals and dreams and if we […]

The Importance Of Focus

Goals huh, don’t you just love them? Forever dangling out of reach, tempting us with their promises yet making us feel guilty when we neglect them for a while. It’s all so easy to make the mistake, especially with the amount of self-help literature out there, of having too many […]

8 Ways Apple Can Teach Us How To Live

This is a little article that came to be while reading about Apple’s iPhone 5 launch and it caused me to ponder how this company, who have grown so big and successful, are able to overcome the problems they face. I realised that they share many traits with the rest […]

You Are NOT Your Job

Most of us have had a time in our lives when we meet someone new and that dreaded question rears its ugly head. “So what do you do?” Those words can have a crippling effect on our social interactions, to the point where we can even lie and deceive for […]

5 Reasons Why Facebook Is Ruining Your Life

We all love technology, in particular the internet, and to be honest most of us couldn’t function in today’s society without it. Facebook and other social media sites such as Twitter are at the forefront of modern life and while they have a lot of positive aspects, they are also […]